Saturday, September 13, 2008

Talks/ Seminars and events


April-2010: Visit to Charles University Prague,Czech Republic
Nov-2009 :
Visit to TU Munich Germany

September 2009: Workshop on first tutorial on freefem++ Pde solver. Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France)
June 2009: Workshop Non-Linear Pdes and Free boundary problems -University of Warwick (UK)
March 2007 -Participant Modeling week. Technical University Eindhoven Netherlands .
2006- ECMI Modelling week Kongens Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark 2006.


* Vortex Control of Instationary channel flows using translation invariant cost functionals (CANUM) France 2012
* Vortex Control of Instationary channel flows using translation invariant cost functionals TU Munich German 2012
* On Free surface PDE constrained Shape Optimization Problems. AFG 2011 Toulouse France
* Some Insights into Free surface-Shape optimization coupled problem (July 2009)
* Shape optimization if viscous flows in an open channel with a bump and obstacle (2009)
* On computation of the continuous gradient in shape optimization problems for the Navier-Stokes equations (University of Graz-Austria) 2008
* Indexing and reconstruction using deep structure Johannes Kepler University Linz -Austria (2007).
* Uzawa-type methods for the obstacle problem. Johannes Kepler University Linz -Austria (2007).
* Effects of gravity on contrast agent dispersion in blood vessels TU/e The Netherlands (2007).
* Discretization of variational Inequalities of the first Kind. Johannes Kepler University Linz -Austria (Dec-2006).
* On identification of doping profiles in semiconductor devices. Jku 2006.
* Mathematical models for a fishing rod and the action of casting with a bait. Kongens Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark 2006.

[9.] H. KASUMBA, Shape optimization approaches to free surface problems, Int. j. numer. methods fluids (To appear)
[8.]   H. KASUMBA and K. KUNISCH, A. LAURAIN, A bilevel shape optimization problem for the exterior Bernoulli free boundary value problem, submitted (2013).
[7.] E. F. CARA ,T. HORSINY and H. KASUMBA, Some inverse and control problems for fluids.  Ann. Math. Blaise Pascal 20 (2013), no. 1, 101–138.
[6.]  H. KASUMBA and K. KUNISCH, On computation of shape Hessian of the cost functional without shape sensitivity of the state variable, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,  DOI: 10.1007/s10957-013-0520-4.
[5.]  H. KASUMBA and K. KUNISCH, Vortex control of instationary channel flows using translation invariant cost functionals . Comput. Optim. Appl. 55 (2013), no. 1, 227–263.
[4.]  H. KASUMBA and K. KUNISCH, On a free surface PDE constrained shape optimization problem. Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2012), no. 23, 11429–11450.
[3.]  H. KASUMBA and K. KUNISCH, Vortex control in channel flows using translation invariant cost functionals. Comput. Optim. Appl. 52 (2012), no. 3, 691–717.
[2.]  H. KASUMBA and K. KUNISCH, On shape sensitivity analysis of the cost functional without shape sensitivity of the state variable.  Control and Cybernet. 40 (2011), no. 4, 989–1017.
[1.]  H. KASUMBA and K. KUNISCH, Shape design optimization for viscous flows in open channel with a bump and an obstacle. Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (2010), 284-289 doi:10.1109/MMAR.2010.5587219.

Theses, Technical Reports and other Articles

[1.] Optimal Shape Design Using Translational Invariant Cost Functionals in Fluid Dynamics, PhD Thesis University of Graz-Austria. Nov 2010 
[2.] Uzawa-Type Methods For The Obstacle Problem, Diploma Thesis. Institute of Computational
Mathematics, JKU Linz, July 2007. Copy available at
[3.] Henry kasumba, Stephen L. Keeling, Markus Müller, Decay estimate addendum Revision of the theory of tracer transport and convolution model of DCE-MRI. SFB-Report 2010-022, Graz, Austria, 2010.
[4.] Henry kasumba, Tefa kaisara, Vidar Hrafnkelsson, Konstantin Lofink , Joanna Sylvia Pelc, Yayun Zhou, Ute Ziegler. Mathematical Models for a Fishing Rod and the Action of Casting with a Bait. ECMI modelling week report. Copy available at
[5.] Effects of gravity on contrast agent dispersion in blood vessels, Modeling Week Report -TU Eindhoven. March 2007

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